Presenting - GHC Language Extensions

Slides: link

I gave a presentation a little over a week ago on GHC lkanguage extensions. This blog post is both a publication of the materials and a touch of additional commentary. The presentation was a put together quickly and was meant to explore GHC/Haskell language extensions: what they are, what they do, how they’re used. It goes more for broad coverage rather than precise details. As a result, particularly when reviewing extensions like GADTs or Existential Quantification, the materials are sparse.

Thankfully, the GHC 7.10 User Guide is far more thorough than I. :)

As I read through the user guide, it got me thinking about the base Haskell language, specifically, Haskell 2010. That’s already a rather rich language. Excluding the standard library, and focusing strictly on the language, it features things like:

Given that as a base, it’s interesting to think about how the language extensions might have come about. There’s an extension for (I think) every Haskell 2010 core language feature.

Without further commentary, here’s the slides).

I hope they’re helpful to you, too. It was enlightening spending some time reading through the GHC User Guide to put that together.